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The Austrian architect Boris Podrecca was declared the winner in the competition for the redevelopment rail distribution area of Bolzano.

Out of 138 total participants, 10 were given the opportunity to submit their visions of the future layout of the city to an international jury who yesterday presented the results.
On the second and third respectively architects Marks and Boeri. As commented by the jury, the draft proposes Podrecca moving the railway line to the south.
This creates a new route north of the building areas directly connected to the existing center. These areas are occupied by buildings on the block with courtyard appropriate to the context of the historic center, this solution makes it possible to imagine an evolution without interruption of the center. In the new building area to the south creating a multi-function area that lends itself to be used in different ways.

The free space is created between the old passenger building and the new railway line is considered as a town square, closed to the north-east from a public building, from which you get, by large outputs, to a large basement from which you can reach the rails and which is both connected by ramps, the built up area to the south.

This underpass is supported by the formal point of view of a cover over the tracks below which there are two large outputs. The old station becomes part of that new and convincing both the functional point of view and from that planning. With spaces in surface and ground it becomes a place with a high presence of commercial activities.
”The first part is successful, we must now move forward in negotiations with Italian Railways and private donors, not to miss this unique opportunity”is what the president said Durnwalder Luis Province. It ‘was just Durnwalder to proclaim in the auditorium of the LUB project designed by Austrian architect as team leader Boris Podrecca winner of the contest of ideas. The proposal will now be illustrated with the two partners Areal Spa Bolzano (composed of 50% from each province and municipality of Bolzano), which will decide whether or not concretize.

Durnwalder confirmed – a statement – that the plan eligibility verified, it must quickly proceed with the next steps required:”find the winner, we must now consider in detail the actual costs, make a rough draft of the financial and then deal with the Italian railways for a final settlement.”The President of the Province has invited all interested parties”to do as a team, because we have a unique opportunity to grow the city with a workable solution on a ‘area of 30 hectares.

Durnwalder recalled the constant touch on the issue with the CEO of Ferrovie Mauro Moretti, which calls for the guarantee of seeing a station made adequate plans and cash flows for the overall intervention. ”In addition to the requirements of Railways have to work on those areas and spaces left to figure out how to achieve the best combination of urban housing and public facilities and services sectors of the economy. “

Podrecca won the competition for the aerial rail in Bolzano



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