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projects ISSN 2595-4245


A solução adotada para a Casa Gloma, projeto do escritório Bruno Dias Arquitectura, cria pequenos pátios através da sua forma, conferindo-lhe a simplicidade de materiais e formas encontrados na natureza que a rodeia.

The solution adopted for Gloma House, a project by the Bruno Dias Arquitectura office, creates small patios through its shape, giving it the simplicity of materials and shapes found in the nature that surrounds it.

La solución adoptada para Casa Gloma, un proyecto de la oficina de Bruno Dias Arquitectura, crea pequeños patios a través de su forma, dándole la simplicidad de los materiales y formas que se encuentran en la naturaleza que lo rodea.

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PORTAL VITRUVIUS. Gloma House. Projetos, São Paulo, year 20, n. 231.02, Vitruvius, mar. 2020 <>.

The Project arises in a small land with a slightly slope, in the vicinity of Ansião Village.

The departure point of the building is the permanent contact with nature. The construction is organized through a main axle which not only intend to solve all the workable programme, but also operate as a border element of the social and the private areas. This onestory house is elevated from the floor maintaining some connection points which intend to achieve a symbiotic relationship.

Gloma House, diagram, Leiria, Portugal, 2019. Architect Bruno Lucas Dias/ Bruno Dias Arquitectura
Imagem divulgação/ Disclosure image [Acervo/ collection Bruno Dias Arquitectura]

The applied solution creates small patios through her shape, providing the simplicity of materials and shapes encountered on the nature that surrounds it.

Two concrete slabs with organic shapes, define the exterior outline, creating a piece with a sense of freedom and consequently, diversity in the creation of the interior areas, as well as permeability with the exterior. The areas are thus not limited by walls, but span out, with nature serving as the only boundary.

Gloma House, Leiria, Portugal, 2019. Architect Bruno Lucas Dias/ Bruno Dias Arquitectura
Foto/ Photo Hugo Santos Silva


Casa Gloma

project: 2016
constrution: 2018 / 2019

Mateus e Glória

Rua do Casal, Ansião, Leiria

420 m²

Bruno Dias Arquitectura

project team
Bruno Lucas Dias, Kevin Lopes and Catarina Serra

building company
Construções Nascente do Nabão / Pregozêzere

plumbing / eletricity
Plumbing “Alvorgense”

coating materials
Carlos Silva e Miguel Ferreira


Hugo Santos Silva


231.02 habitação unifamiliar
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original: português

outros: english




231.01 habitação unifamiliar

Casa do Cerrado (Prata e Lopez)

231.03 residencial

Residência FJR


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